I skipped class today. I wasn't feeling well. Congested and coughing like no other. This'll be the first time I miss this class, but I figure I have a good enough reason. I feel like crap. I swear, this always happen right when I start trying to eat better and exercising. Immune system goes kaput. I'm going to start focusing on getting better before I start the body purification process again.
I can't stop thinking about the future. Like what am I going to do when I get back to California? This whole study abroad thing has just become this hiatus from normal life and the familiar. And I'm glad I had it, am having this "break." But once I get back home, I have to start up again. You know, start actually doing things. Not that I'm not doing things here. But, if anything, this past year in Paris has been like a sort of vacation, seeing loads of sights, living in a temporary situation. And I love it, but it's going to come to an end like all vacations. There's a lot to accomplish when I get back.
* Start filming mockumentary for Kuya's wedding: This might involve at least 2 weeks of shooting in July and a couple days in August.
* Get top wisdom teeth removed: I can feel them coming already and messing up my top row of teeth. Crap. I have this thing about my teeth. My top retainer even broke and Susie's bf Andy said that my wisdom teeth coming in probably broke the retainer. This kind of thing can also ruin my shooting schedule. When I got the bottoms out, I was in pain for two weeks. We'll see.
* Clean: A lot of things. Just get rid of things that I don't need anymore. Can do without it. Living here has taught me to be more simple, live with simplicity. I'm also going to clean the hard drive and possibly get another one for all the photos that I have accumulated.
* Bike: I'm going to finish what I started last summer. The Spartan. That was the fixed gear project I told you about. I bought a blue bike called "Spartan"--that was the name of the model. I'm going to turn it into a cheapie fixed gear beast as an homage to the film 300. Paint frame black with blood red details and blood spots. This is all pending if I have the money.
* School stuff: Just figure out what I'm going to do my last year of school. Should I finish the French degree? Do I even deserve it? Because I don't feel like I do. I don't even want to call myself a French major. Ugh. When I tell people this, they look at me like I'm crazy. I just can't do something that doesn't make me happy, that gives me no pleasure anymore. I know people who are studying things they don't want to study, and they're unhappy, but they're doing it anyway, and that makes them strong in a strangely sad way, but I'm not one of those people. I have to be happy.
I think that's good for now. That's a lot, actually. Shouldn't overload. If I can get all these things done throughout the summer, then I'll be happy.