Okay, so I do have time to blog. Catherine's flight's been delayed maybe 5 hours.
Last night was loads of fun, Keisha's boys invited us bowling. What's nice is that they're working guys (Adriano, Yannu, and Laurent), so they paid for everything--woot. The game, shoes, and our first two drinks. I'm usually not okay with that stuff, I'd like to put in my share, but I'm poor in Paris so why the hell not? We had champagne and then I got a kir cassis and then during the game a demi pèche which is blonde beer (Heineken) and peach syrup. Tastiness. The whole bowling thing felt like America, except for drinking alcohol right on the lane. It was also cosmic bowling which I haven't done before, so that was cool, and under 16s not allowed so it's like going to a club. A bowling club. Weird thing is that Kuya got back to me from Grandma's funeral, and he said all the cousins went bowling afterward.
The guys made a wager. Whoever lost would have to make dinner next time. So us girls, Lucia, Kiesha, Laura, and I would taunt them whenever they threw gutter balls: "T'as d'espace chez toi?" (Do you have space at your house?) Laurent kept saying he'll make couscous and that's it. Lucia won with 121. I sucked in second to last place, and Adriano kept giving me tips while bowling which was nice. In the end, Laura has to cook. But we'll help her out.
Debating about skipping class on Tuesday. It's wrong, but what feels even more wrong is leaving my friend who came all the way out here to see me, to leave her wandering the city alone. I haven't seen her since my birthday. Will think about it. I'm already turning a paper in late and skipping Friday's class because I'm off to London. I think if I have a legitimate excuse for skipping class like traveling or being with an out-of-towner, that I should be off the hook. Last semester, there were a couple of classes I skipped because I was sad and genuinely didn't feel like going, but it's better now. I feel better now thank you God.
samedi 1 mars 2008
I am a liar
jeudi 28 février 2008
blog break
LOVELY!Above is an engagement photo of Kuya and his girl. I like this one too since it's quintessential SF:
I'm going to take a blogging break, if that's possible (you know how much I love blogging here), because Catherine is arriving tomorrow, and she's going to have all my attention, and I leave for London the same day she leaves Paris. My laptoppy took a dump last night, so I think it needs some rest. I think it has become self-aware because Kuya and I were discussing computers this past week.
Keisha's French guy friends asked if we wanted to go bowling, so I'm doing that tonight. Yay! The boys are hilarious too, so it'll be a fun time. Then I have to do a crapload of homework tomorrow morning before picking up Catherine and showing her around town.
So I'll be gone for a week or so. Enjoy life, read some books, watch some movies, listen to musics, visit museums, take up a new hobby or interest (I've recently been interested in calligraphy). That's an order. Here are some books, musics, and movies that I've enjoyed abroad:
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
The Watchmen by Alan Moore
The Moviegoer's Companion
Musics: (not that extensive)
Thrice's The Alchemy Index Vol. 1 and 2
Wax Tailor: French hip hop artist
Radiohead everything
To Kill A Mockingbird (Gregory Peck)
College (Buster Keaton)
2001: A Space Odyssey
Barton Fink
Paris (might not be out yet in US, but check it when it comes)
Museums: (Here are some of my faves in LA)
LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art)
National History Museum of Los Angeles county
Norton Simon Museum of Art in Pasadena
Bowers Museum in Orange County
Be well! Will probably pop in for a few updates, but other than that take care! loveelaine
yay for learning, weird modern art, and more learning!
Yesterday's Paris History class was really cool. We learned about the fortifications that used to be around Paris during the Middle Ages. Today they're the boulevards of Paris. We even walked up the street from my place and saw a part of the wall that's still standing (see photo above). Cool.
Went to Centre Pompidou for the museum with Susie, Taylor, and Lily. Free on Wednesday for students. Waited in the bookstore, and while I was browsing the cinema books, I saw my screenwriting prof's John Ford bio that he just wrote translated in French! I was floored. I knew he was a writer and all, I just didn't realize how huge he was. It had this Scorsese quote on the book sleeve, and it was endorsed by TCM, Positif, and Telerama. It made me grateful to have him for a teacher and a supporter since he urged me to consider a career in screenwriting.Didn't even finish one floor of the museum. We went from each piece, making fun of it mostly. A lot of it was really cool, some pieces were ridiculous. This was seriously three blank white canvases in a row:
Will definitely go back more often Wednesday nights.
Went to that grammar class, the one I had to test into, and I got in! Yay! It's really no big deal, a bunch of kids that didn't get in asked if they could stay, and she was cool. Madame PQ is truly a great prof--she wrote my grammar book along with my French history prof! So I'm in good hands. We went over the exam. She kept on asking why we chose "de" instead of "des" or why not "du"? This doesn't make sense to people who don't know French, I know. It was just intense. She wouldn't accept our "It sounds right" or "because it's this rule". She demanded more than that. I love how insane this semester is going to be, it's totally making up for last semester.
Lunchtime. Oh the lengths we will go for something that reminds us of home. Susie, Morgan, and I went to Jussieu to get "sandwichs mexicaines" also known as burritos. We waited something like 40 minutes to get this thing. We stood in the rain to order, then the guy said come back in 5 minutes. We hung out at a papeterie around the corner, came back, and waited like 15 minutes. All for a burrito, and not a true burrito, it was like as if you explained to your French pen pal who has never seen a burrito but maybe googled it, and he tried to make it himself--this would be it. It was rice, cheese, ground beef, chopped tomatoes in a tortilla. It was decent and spicy, but not the real thing. How it made me want the real thing...
After, Morgan and I met up with Lucia at Musée Carnavalet for their exposition on Benjamin Franklin. Walked from Sully-Morland and through Village St. Paul in Le Marais. We stopped by this weird thrift store and looked through the windows, it looked like a crazy garage sale, and these two cute French boys stopped too and were looking. All I could think was, "If this was a movie, and they talked to us, this would be our 'meet-cute'", but it's not and they didn't. I heard them speaking English, reading something inside. Francophone English accents are cute sometimes.
The exposition was really cool. Just the idea of an old dude coming to Paris and living here is pretty cool. I went up the the cashier to get a tarif jeune (youth ticke). I said it like this though, "Euh, tarif jeune, s.v.p?" And the cashier was funny saying, "Mais oui, vous etes jeune!" (Of course, you're young!). It made me happy that he was making a joke, and that he didn't answer me in English or anything, because sometimes they can tell you're not French, but when you get French back or even slight joking, it's nice. It's like you finally accomplished something. Then he made a joke about Benjamin Franklin.
After the exposition, hung out with Lucia a bit before her class. I got a piece of DELICIOUS chocolate while Lucia got dinner. I was still full from the burrito. Tastiness.I read French Women Don't Get Fat, and it actually really helped me appreciate food more and that it should be a celebration. So instead of buying a box of sweets to have in the house, a piece of really good chocolate to savor at an appropriate moment would be better. Also, Lucia and I also changed our eating habits so that we save money for traveling, and it's really helping me lose some poundage for the wedding. Woot.
mardi 26 février 2008
welcome to the world
This past weekend, my friends in SF brought a lovely baby girl named Vivian into the world. I just read their blog. Congrats Rhean and Vilaska!
What a week. A baby born; and a family member laid to rest. I live across the street from a church. I can always tell when there's a funeral going on without having to look outside the window because the bells toll this really somber song, just one random note right after the other. I still look to confirm, and the men come out bearing the casket on their shoulders, and the women follow in black.
I am reminded of my own mortality. That I could be gone any day, that being "young" doesn't mean shit. Everything sort of drops when those bells sound, everything that's of little importance. And I hate being reminded that Death can come for me whenever. Who wants to live with that all the time? I mean, how can we? It's better in alarm form, preferably a loud, clanging bell, one note right after the other. Once a week is good, but it's been happening a lot lately.
Kuya sent me links to his engagement photos that he and Kat took in SF. They're so SF and cinematic. And they look so freaking happy with each other. There's a pic of my brother making this funny face, and it so looks like a face my brother would make. Kathy's holding a flower to his nose, and he makes a face like it smell disgusting. Just the fact that the photographer decided to capture it on film makes me smile. I hope I find someone that could make me as happy as they are. Or not, it really doesn't matter 'cuz I like being alone too. Will post one photo when they make them public.
Got to reading Kat's blog--I can't believe I'm going to have a sis!--and she said she went to WonderCon in SF and got to meet James McAvoy! Jealous, I wrote to her on Facebook: "You met James McAvoy in SF, and I live in Europe and can't meet ONE hot British man!" Haha, lucky girl. There's still time. I am going to London next week...
Lastly, I know this is kind of late, but I want to thank YOU for visiting my blog. We're past the halfway point now, and I'm arriving in LA July 4 or so I think which is kind of nice, so "AMERICA!" if you will. It's really nice to see the counter going up, and to see people visiting from all over the world from America to Norway and New Zealand to England.
Writing here has been a really therapeutic way to deal with being abroad and allows me to keep in touch with family and friends and be a little creative. It's never felt like a chore or a job, and that's what I love about it. So thanks for visiting and being a part of this, for commenting or just making the counter go up. I hope you guys have time to visit my friends' blogs on the left there because, although they're not as crazy as I am writing in my blog every day, they still have something to say, and they're all worthwhile reading. Bisous.
I'll be experimenting a bit with the PFAY blog banners, hope you like 'em.
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simple pleasures or: this is a boring post, don't read just look at the pretty pictures!
There's something so satisfying about drinking hot tea from a glass. The glass gets freaking hot though, so I drink it while holding the saucer. Just seeing that pale yellow turn to gold with a little spoonful of honey is beautiful. Oh how I love tea. Must've been British in another lifetime.
4 days until Catherine arrives. I'm a bit nervous. I want her to have fun, and I want to be a good host, but it's the third week of classes, and I shouldn't be missing any. The timing's just so off. I told all my friends visiting this, and they understand, but there's still that feeling there like I'm not being a good friend by choosing school. Catherine and I will have the weekend and the opera on Monday night, but aside from that she'll have whole afternoons to herself for two days. I'm glad she's a cool individual who doesn't mind hanging out alone.
In preparation, have done cleaning and arranging so that two people can stay here comfortably. Living in this space has been sort of like a tutorial for the real world when I'll be living on my own. Just like cleaning everything, making sure things work properly, taking care of plants. Every living situation in college has always felt like a dorm, even when I moved out of the dorms. Sharing everything and doing this chore or that because it's my week. I never paid attention to decorating or just making a nice, comfortable and pleasing space for myself and for others. I guess it's because I never had my own space other than my bed, my desk, and my section of a closet. Here I can be myself. Although I wish I could change my curtains.This is all I need: a pan, a pot, and a bottle opener. I love the clog bottle cap opener that I got in Amsterdam.
I don't really need the stools by the counter since they just get in the way, so I put one next to the desk for the phone, and the other by the heater/entryway for my bag. And the director chairs are now hidden under my bed and not cluttering up the entryway. I only need them when I put the bed up anyway.I took some stuff of my walls and prepared them to be sent home, but it still looks cluttered anyway. I love all my movie ticket and museum ticket stubs (you can see them below the metro map and to the right of the North By Northwest flier I got in Amsterdam. I think I might make a collage and frame them all when I get back. One collage of all my ticket stubs, and then another collage of all the film fliers I got:
This is my desk space, the BEFORE picture, because I just re-arranged it. It looks cleaner now.
Here is the AFTER. I used the internet box thingy (my English is shot to crap right now, hence all these photos) as a little bookend and shoved most of my books into the nook only keeping the French ones close by. I also brought out this yellow lamp that I was previously hiding. I don't know why. It still looks cluttered, but nicely cluttered...Haha...I just remembered why this is so much fun and why I'm writing about this while you probably don't really care what my place looks like. I wanted to be an interior decorator when I was little. Funny how I just remembered this...
Anyway, I think my favorite though is using the ashtray I found in the studio to hold all my loose change. I also finished a large candle and used the votive for my pens and fountain ink cartridges.
You can see more of my studio photos in my Photobucket album.
lundi 25 février 2008
My Grandma's sister died yesterday. I called her Grandma Rose. She died in Porterville, was sick in the hospital with pneumonia. Mom sent me an email about it.
She was an awesome grandma, always had something yummy cooking whenever we visited her, a good gardener with roses in the front lawn and fruit trees in the back. You'd step into her house, and it was like time warp, you were back in the late 70s with a record player in the corner and shaggy carpet. Going to Porterville was a bit of a time warp too because it wasn't like my own town, these were farming people living there (I always assumed when I was little from the long drive through endless farmland), but I guess it's pretty developed now.
It's always good to have a reason to go somewhere far removed from your own home. You had none of the hustle and bustle of the big city in Porterville. Things were a bit quieter, relaxed. I remember Kuya and I walking down Main Street. A lot of the shops were closed down, but there was a bookstore there that I liked.
I'd like to go to Porterville again to see my Grandma buried, to hug my cousins and my other Grandma, to drive through that endless farmland, but flying out for the funeral is out of the question. Maybe this summer I'll take a roadtrip there.
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dimanche 24 février 2008
Went to church at St. Joe's near L'Arc de Triomphe. Most of the churchgoers are Filipino, maybe 70%. Lots of rich Filipinos driving up in Mercedes. Probably diplomats. At any rate it's nice to hear Tagalog once in a while. The wife and husband in front of me were talking Tagalog to each other, and the wife's mother was speaking French to her grandson who'd reply in French. It was flipping weird.
Got home around 2, and realized, man, I could really massacre a plate of lumpia. I could kill for a big plate of Dad's adobo, Mom's pansit, and white rice. That would really hit the spot. I salivate as I write this. Made pasta instead. I guess I could go get the ingredients, find recipes online, and cook it myself, but that would be expensive. And I'm lazy.
The Oscars are tonight, and even though I call myself a film major, I really do not like the Oscars. Asking me to watch the Oscars is like asking me to play Scene It. It's like prom for movies, and I didn't really care for prom. All that, "Who are you wearing?" crap although that didn't really happen at prom. Wait, it kind of did, people did ask me where I got my dress. And now Diablo Cody is wearing million dollar shoes or some crap for the red carpet. What made me especially angry is seeing Juno among No Country For Old Men and There Will Be Blood (which I haven't seen, but come on, it's Daniel Day Lewis). It was an okay film, it just felt like a lot of it was forced and tried too hard to be cool (film and music references, stupid burger phone that is probably available at Hot Topic).
Three women (Nancy Oliver for Lars and the Real Girl and Tamara Jenkins for The Savages--girl power!) are up for Best Original Screenplay, just please, dear God, any of these women except Diablo Cody. Who says, "Honest to blog" or "This is one etch a sketch that can't be un-did" blah blah? I guess I just like things that are a little closer to reality. I am, odd enough, excited for her future and to see what other screenplays she'll be pumping out.