It snowed last night, and I missed it. Actually, I caught the first bit of tiny flakes, but I didn't stay up because I didn't think it'd amount to anything, but I was wrong. Saw this when I looked outside my window. Dang.For free museum Sunday, I went to the Musée Rodin. Took the line 10 to the RER C--super easy. Met up with Lucia in the gardens. She was hungry, and I could always go for a cup of tea, so we ate in the gardens. It was most lovely since the sun was out for a bit. Lucia got a salad, and I got a strawberry pastry and Darjeeling tea (from the Mariage Frères (Mariage brothers)--famous French tea purveyors). Both were amazing.
If I didn't mention it already, I'm a HUGE fan of tea. So I was really excited to have tea from this famous French tea company. The tea was really light and delicate, perfect for a springish day. I think I have to go to their tea shop before I leave Paris.
The museum was pretty cool. I really liked "The Kiss", which is the famous one. I think my favorite is "Death of Adonis" though. Lucia and I finished the museum in an hour or so--it's not that big. Then we wandered in the gardens and watched little kids run onto the grass when it's actually forbidden, but it was fun to see them break the rules. I took a pic of the museum, and on the main lawn, on the right, you can see a kid lying on the grass--his pose is hilarious.
Saw Lily, Sarah, and Romina there as well as Kathy and her parents who are visiting her. After, Lucia and I walked by Invalides, and we saw boys playing soccer on the grass. Lots of boys. Lots of cute, athletic boys. They wore bright jerseys and shorts that hit above the knee and showed off their calf muscles. It was nice a nice sight. I get the same fluttery feeling whenever I see guys in baseball uniforms. It's just a nice picture.