Was on my way to take my exam. I should have carried my camera with me. Here's why:
1. On Port Royal, the street I take to the MICEFA office, there was a parade/march going on by the EDF, France's electricity company. Pretty cool. There was a bunch of guys on top of an EDF van. And this guy was mooning everyone while his friends cheered him on. Hilarious.
2. There was an old lady bundled up in a blonde colored fur coat talking on her cell phone while zooming past me on a motorized wheelchair. Priceless. Lesson learned.
So, I'm done with classes. I start Micefa classes in two weeks and will have to sign up for classes for St. Denis too. Insert sarcastic "yay" here.
I really like what I'm wearing today. Today's clothing combination would have never occurred to me. I feel like I dress better here than I ever did back at home. Like more girly. The other night, Sally complimented my wardrobe and that made me feel good. I wore a gray knee length twill skirt that I got for 8 bucks at Crossroads on Irving in SF, teal long sleeve under a black hoodie and my navy wool blazer, and black tights under my boots. I was feeling pretty spiffy too. Today, I wore my flowy brown jersey dress that I got at H&M to wear for Christmas and a light blue buttoned up oxford shirt over the dress with black tights and the famed engineer boots. See the pic at left. Sorry, didn't feel like talking a pic with my head in it or a whole body pic for that matter. It's the colors that are important in the picture. I like the boots because they're really masculine but when paired with the dress, it tones the whole outfit down. The oxford shirt says I'm ready to learn, and the boots say I'm ready to kick your ass. And in a dress no less. I never thought brown and light blue would go well together, but I really really like it. I think I'll wear this on one of my museum days in London.
It's funny how what we wear can change our whole attitude and outlook. I like the dress because it's super comfy and I wanted to be comfy for the whole of 1.5 hours I took to take my test. And it's nice knowing I can just put on some clothes that I know will make me feel good. I read that Scarlett Johansson puts on red lipstick when she's feeling down.