So, it's gonna take a while to get through the whole of my Italy posts so I just might interrupt the Italy posts with regular Paris posts. Plus I'm having slight computer problems with my lack of space for my photos which is annoying.
Yesterday was a good day. It was really warm and sunny out. It would be a crime not to be outside. Susie had called asking me what I was up to so we met up and I met her guy friend, Paris. Named after the guy from Greek mythology. He is hilarious. He's French but his English is really good. We got some food at Franprix and a baguette and we lounged and sunned at Place des Vosges in the 4th arrondissment. I got a nice tan while napping in the sun (wearing sunscreen of course!), and we ogled cute boys reading with their sunglasses on.
We then headed to H&M--Paris wanted some new clothes because he has a date that he's meeting later. It's actually kind of fun shopping for guy clothes. I wish I could shop for a boy. We told him what looked good and what didn't. He got a shirt. We then went to Pizza Hut, which is funny. Paris said, "Don't you feel like you're back in California?" He paid for the pizza which was really nice, and I bought him gum later that he wanted.
Not even 9:30 pm, and it was still light out. We walked and didn't have to wear jackets, and it was wonderful. I walked home from that area, and everyone was out eating or having a beer, and it was just nice. It made me feel really glad to be back home. And then it hit me that I can only call this place "home" for less than 10 weeks. Time goes by so fast.
Today after History of Paris class, got lunch with Lucia and Kathy at this cafe that prompted Kathy to say, "I feel like I'm Atlantic City." Just really 70s decor. I said, "I feel like I'm visiting my grandma in San Leandro but she's taking a nap right now so I'm going out to eat with my friends." Sidenote--there's a lot of old people in San Leandro, g-ma doesn't live there anymore though, and they have coffee shops like this.
On my way home, met up with Susie since she was in the area, and we walked up my street and looked at all the dogs that were out for walks. And there was a breeze and I wasn't carrying my purse, and I felt so light. I wish I didn't have to carry a purse all the time.