Hello again friends!
I've been getting emails from lovely people asking me questions about my year in Paris and seeking advice. It's really nice.
I know I'm not in Paris, but Fanyi is and you can check out her blog here at :Reflections Aboard Paris Express.
Some updates: I'm finishing my last semester at school, and I'm awaiting to hear back on an internship in southern California. Wish me luck!
mercredi 4 février 2009
Mon amie a Paris!
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Libellés : friends, paris, post-paris
dimanche 7 décembre 2008
Hey all, it's been a while.
I went private for a while--if you've been trying to visit and found that you couldn't view the site--but I'm back to being public for the sake of posterity. I want people who are interested in my study abroad experience to be able to read my ups and downs on my year in Paris.
As for an update, I am on my way towards a film degree. French is on the back burner since my school has been facing some budget cuts, and I won't be able to complete both degrees at the same time. I've decided to go with film since it is more of my passion than French is. It was not an easy decision to make, but I think it's for the best.
Thanks again to all those who've supported me and my blog in the past. See you in another life.
mercredi 10 septembre 2008
Bonjour tout le monde!
Everything is going swell these days. I'm adjusting to life back in SF which is quite peachy. Kuya's wedding went really well and was a lot of fun. Have been running into Paris people or just finding out through the grapevine that a lot of my classmates from Paris have French boyfriends. It made me really happy to hear that.
If you're trying to read "this cozy skull", sorry, but that blog is now private and all readers must be approved by me.
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Libellés : boys, post-paris
lundi 25 août 2008
a year ago
Yesterday, while on the way to Ikea with Lucia, I realized that a year ago we arrived in Paris.
When I look back on that girl I think, "OH YOU ARE SO NAIVE!!!" haha...But seriously, a year has changed A LOT, and I wouldn't trade my year in Paris for anything else. I am so happy that it has brought me to a place where I am now, mentally. Physically, not so much--I'm back in SF. But if I can get through a year in Paris, I can get through a year in SF. Believe me.
I don't ever want to be the girl I was back then, and moving back here feels like a step backwards, a road towards that other girl. It's not like moving back to LA, which will always be home. But SF has always felt temporary, never my home, just a vacation from family. Maybe it'll change this year, but I really wouldn't care if it did since I can't wait to go back to LA. At least, I'm making our place (Lucia is my roommate!) a real sanctuary.
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Libellés : family, friends, paris, san francisco
mardi 12 août 2008
prepare for re-entry
Finally, finally, finally, had my money transferred from Paris to here. Took them long enough. Already had forgotten how incredibly slow the French system can be.
SFSU is offering a re-entry workshop for all study abroad students to "prepare" us for "life after study abroad". Unfortunately, I can't make it. I think we're all dealing in our own ways to adjust to life back here. Me, I'm just so swamped with stuff to do that I forget to miss the things I'm missing. I miss my tiny studio and what little I had. Everything was so simple. I just just what I needed, and that was enough. Here I have too much, but that's because I keep everything.
As for changes, I dress better than I used to. I think I'm less afraid to be dressy. I take better care of myself too, healthwise. My childhood friend who used to live across the street is getting married. She's only a year older than me. Right now, we're the same age, but she'll be a year older in November. I used to have a crush on her older brother, who is an Air Force hottie. My cousin also has a crush on him, haha. He'll be at my brother's wedding.
dimanche 3 août 2008
Hello again.
I've been missing Paris of late...Not too badly, but just the little things. Like taking the metro or the 28 bus and getting off at Notre Dame. Getting a noisette at the Saint Medard and watching all the world pass me by. Or sitting with friends in the back of a bar with a demi-citron. Eating a grec or falafel standing up in a public place. Walking everywhere, being surrounded by complete strangers, lovely boys, and pretty girls.
I've been driving everywhere, spending lots of time in traffic. Having coffee in cafes. Walking in public, but commercial, places.
It's not the same.
Of course not, and it'll never be the same. But I made a vow a while back to live every year like "Year Paris". Yeah, I gave it a name, Year Paris. Something like "kilometer zero". Year Paris was the most interesting, exciting year of my life, and while I might not top Year Paris just yet, I can make a promise to live as close to it as possible.
Right now, not doing so well.
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Libellés : drink, food, home, metro, paris, post-paris, so cal
mardi 22 juillet 2008
i could punch something someone right now
BLURG! Finally got a hold of my bank. I got the numbers. But ARGH! the lady was so freaking difficult. What is it with French people that they delight in making people who maybe don't speak their language so well feel like idiot children. I called and all I got was a drawn out, "oui?" and then I thought, "Oh God, here I go"...I explained everything and after each point I got another drawn out, "Oui?"
I wish there was a way to punch someone in the face over the phone.
I thought "who the f*** is this" so I asked if this was the same lady and if she remembered who I was at all, and I got another "oui". So I said, "Give me my money, pute!" No. I didn't. I wish I did though.
So she gave me the numbers and then repeated them in effing English for chrissakes. I've been saying "chrissakes" a lot after I heard Mom saying it. I'm going to fax them the order later when a faxing store is open. Blurg.
Glad that's over and done with. Damn, those frogs still can manage to piss me off thousands of miles away. I am thankful for one lovely Italian frog, Adriano, my hook-up at the bank who, after checking my mail after the call, sent me the numbers by email. So, talking to that asshole lady could have been avoided, but whatever.
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